Worked as an art director of VR attraction "BIOHAZARD WALKTHROUGH THE FEAR"

"BIOHAZARD WALKTHROUGH THE FEAR" is a VR attraction of Capcom's "Resident Evil 7".
Capcom has outsourced this VR attraction version of "Resident Evil 7" to Dynamo Pictures in Tokyo.
The main programmer of Dynamo Pictures asked me to work as an art director for the project.
In Unity I had re-constructed asset data of "Resident Evil 7", that had been built in Capcom's in-house game engine,
in order to make levels and characters playable as a VR attraction.
The quality of lighting I had reproduced in Unity looks very close to the one in Capcom's product.
I had also reproduced all assets of FX in Unity such as explosion, smoke, gun effect, and creature appearance/disappearance effect.

 Creature(Molded) appearance/disappearance effect


 Gun impact effects


 Blood effects




 Fire effects


 Growing mold

I wrote C# script myself for this asset to implement animated color textures and animated normal textures.
Animated textures were created in After Effects by me.


 Lighting and rendering

Left in the image [After I had fixed light map UVs of pipes]    < < < <----- > > > >     Right in the image [Before I had fixed light map UVs of pipes]

Left in the image [After I had fixed light map UVs of pipes]    < < < <----- > > > >     Right in the image [Before I had fixed light map UVs of pipes]

Left in the image [Lighting I had reproduced in Unity]    < < < <----- > > > >     Right in the image [Lighting done by Capcom in Playstation4]
The lighting I had reproduced in Unity is very close to what Campcom had achieved in their game engine.

This video shows artifacts in light bake BEFORE I had fixed issues in light map UV, normal directions, light bake settings.

 Camera effect

 Prop modeling and look dev

 Rigging chainsaw

Rigs for props were not provided by Campcom. I had set up ones for all props which need to be rigged.
Python script I wrote was used to help create a complex rig such as the blade of the chainsaw.


 Editing animations provided by Capcom

New animations were needed in the VR version of Baiohazard 7.
I had edited animation provided by Capcom for creating into derived ones.

Left in the image [animation provided by Capcom]    < < < <----- > > > >    Center and Right in the image [Animation variations I made.]

 Physics simulations

All physicss simulations are done and baked in Maya, then exported into Unity as FBX.
Because those props have to move along the same trajectory every time players experience the VR attraction.



 Various effects

Reflection on the paddle.

Left in the image [Mold drip from the ceiling to the floor]                         Right in the image [Sparks in the elevetor]